
Application form

About applications

Please apply after checking the participation conditions and plan schedule.Click here for participation conditions and plan details

Please select your desired plan
Date of birth《Required》 ※Example:20160408
Postal code《Required》 ※Example:1340083
※Course information will be sent through post, so please enter your mailing address
※Example:5-42-3, Nakakasai, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo, 134-0083
Phone number:《Required》
e-mail address:《Required》
※Couse information will be provided via e-mail.
Please ensure that your e-mail settings enable you to receive mail from crystal2018@riva-art.co.jp

Once more for confirmation《Required》
Aura-Soma lecture student ID《Required》
※Please be sure to enter it if you have one

Name to be listed on certificate of course completion《Required》
※Please write in Roman letters

Introduced by:
If you have questions, please enter them here.
Example: Want to stay in the same room with another attendee, change to recipient name for mail, etc.